Background: Dr. Scott Hoar
Welcome to Mobility 4 Life's 'Upper Body Health' Course. This is the online version of a popular live workshop that we've been offering for the last few years. We had a bunch of requests to put it online, so here it is.
In this course you will learn:
Upper Body Assessments for you to use on yourself and others
- The basics of ideal upper body movement and what goes wrong to cause injuries like:
- neck pain
- rotator cuff injuries
- elbow pain
- and more...
Specific Upper Body Corrective Exercises
When to use which Exercise
Decision Making
Warm Ups
Postural and Fitness Exercises that you should be doing every day.
- We'll take you first through the assessment of the upper body, then go over the why's and how's of the material.
- Next we'll show you specific corrective exercises...
- Then we'll follow up that up with a case study.
- Here you'll learn how to apply the assessments and specific corrective exercises.
Welcome to the course. I'm glad you're here. Let's get started!
-Dr. Scott Hoar